This story follows six-year-old Olivia Frenz during her first-grade class Valentine's Day party at Wren Hollow Elementary School in Ballwin, Missouri. The party consisted of the students handing out their valentines, decorating and eating cookies, and making arts and crafts during the last hour of school.
Six-year-old Olivia Frenz writes out her valentines the night before her first-grade class Valentine’s Day party. She chose valentines that had two of her favorite things on them- ponies and hearts.
Olivia and her brother Jake, 3, admire her classmate’s heart-shaped balloon that was dropped off at the beginning of the party. During the last hour of the school day, Wren Hollow Elementary students celebrated Valentine’s Day by decorating cookies, passing out their valentines, and doing an arts and crafts activity.
Olivia peeks into her decorated valentines box to see the different candy she’s received from her classmates so far. “My favorite part is that it has stickers on it,” she said of her box.
Olivia and her brother sort through her treats after all the students had finished handing out their valentines. Among the Skittles, lollipops and Sweet Tarts, Olivia said her favorite was the Ring Pop.
Olivia takes the first bite out of the sugar cookie that she decorated during the party. Decorated with icing, sprinkles, candy hearts and a Hershey Kiss on top, she said that tasted “yummy.”
Olivia’s mother, Mary, helps her string together an “I Love You” keychain during her class’ arts and crafts activity. The students were told to give the keychain to someone they love, so Olivia gave it to her mother.
Olivia smiles as she admires her candy-filled box on the walk to her car after school let out. Two weeks after Valentine’s Day, she still has some of the candy left over.
Work Report:
Even though I know this wasn't my best work, I was glad that I at least got some sort of story out of it in the end. Some areas where I could have used improvement would be in getting an overall, working a situation longer, and varying my lens and point of view. I was happy, however, that I got shots of her interacting with others, which is where I usually have problems, and also the shot where she is looking into the box. This also taught me that I need to think about every aspect of the shoot before I go into, even if it is a last minute assignment, and to make sure that if I see something I at least try to take a picture of it and not hesitate about it. I also need to take some time to double check my exposure and use flash anytime that there is not quite as much light as I need or when there is not enough light to make the image sharp. A few of my images could have been saved had I only used a flash. In the hour that I had to shoot the party aspect of the story, however, I was glad that I remembered what I needed for the story, even if getting an overall didn’t quite work like I would have hoped. I made sure to think about portraits, interaction, closer, opener and details, and overall I’m pretty happy with the ones that I used.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
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